This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24


Our Journey of Nathan's Transplant

Our Journey of Nathan's Transplant
We're Still Rejoicing!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Trials and Triumph

Things change so quickly . . .  There have been lots of ups and downs.

Thursday morning there was an issue with a potential exposure to an illness.  The probability is very low, but extra strict measures are being taken by the hospital.  Thursday day and evening, the devices that T his line to allow for additional IV lines (stop cocks . . . sp?), came undone and he lost a little bit of blood before it was caught.  The big deal about that was that his line was open.  This increased his risk for a possible infection at a very vulnerable time.
Friday was a very stressful day.  Friday morning, the Y portion of his broviac actually came off.  No medicine could get in . . . which meant no pain medicine for the mucositis.  The Fentanyl leaves his system in about an hour. I wanted to throw up I was so worried.  The situation was bad enough, but I could not handle another episode of Nathan screaming in pain again.  The hospital did not have the repair kit in stock.  They had to get one from another hospital.  So I prayed . . .and prayed.  God answered my prayer.  I fed Nathan right after it happened, and he slept until an IV was started.  The IV allowed him to get the pain medicine until the broviac was repaired.  Thank you God.  He also ate from a bottle and sucked on a pacifier for the first time since chemo (YAY!).

Bottom line four potential exposures in about 24 hours. . . .  24 hours full of triumphs and trials.

Today Nathan would not eat at all.  I finally got him to nurse once tonight.  I was really hoping he would keep eating since he has done so good.  The doctors aren't worried, they did not expect him to eat this early at all.  I was so excited, it was another step forward in the healing process.  I must have patience.

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