Nathan reaks of cream corn from the stem cells that were transplanted into him. Its actually the preservative. It's very strange. I'm not sure if I'll ever want to eat it again.
Day one is finally complete, we are in the positives. Nathan is not feeling well. They increased the dose and interval of his pain medication. Once his pain was better under control, he was actually hungry despite the sores in his mouth. I got to feed him for the first time in a couple of days, only for him to promptly puke all over me late last night and again this morning. He clearly doesn't feel well, and doesn't move a whole lot. He's hungry, but can't eat. Last night we noticed him acting very strange and was fixated, and couldn't get him to respond.
The doctors tried a couple of new medications which really perked him up. He was actually playing and smiling, and he ate and kept it down! The he turned his head to the side again and would not respond. His pupils were different sizes. We called the doctor in, and she was there very quickly. She said he was actually having a seizure. I wanted to throw up, I felt sick. I'm holding my son in my arms and was wondering if he will be normal, is he going to be okay. Shawn was there to pick me up with Isaac in the car and couldn't come in to be with us. It was a very scary time.
After some tests, it revealed his calcium levels were low. Calcium was added to his IV, and we will see if this will stop it. Over all, he had four seizures before the doctor saw him having an episode and identified what was going on. I didn't know seizures could be like that. I always imagine people shaking, not being transfixed and turning into a vegetable.
God is good, after some change in medication. He has actually eaten 3 times now and not thrown up. Tonight has ate almost three ounces, which is a huge victory. Shawn is staying the night with Nathan, and I am home with Isaac.
But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
1 Corinthians 15:57
Now matter what the trial, there is always much to be thankful for. I really like the scripture from Day 0 in 1 Peter. Our God is good and gives us what we need as we need it. I had to have the strength to be with Isaac and play and love him. . . yet on the inside I am torn, worried about Nathan. I am thankful for that strength the Lord supplied. I am thankful that God is my rock, and the hope we have in him. My hope is for the day I will be able to go for a walk with my two sons.
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