This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24


Our Journey of Nathan's Transplant

Our Journey of Nathan's Transplant
We're Still Rejoicing!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Pain, Pain Go Away

Day +3, A new day . . .
We are blessed to have such wonderful compassionate doctors.  We are thankful God has given Nathan and I such a great staff to take care of us.

It was a very long night, up until 2 and up at 5:30 am.  It been a pain game, trying to keep Nathan's pain under control.  The doctor has increased his pain medication four times now.  The medicine he is on is 10 times stronger than morphine, and is given in really small doses.  He is on a continual drip, and has still required additional doses.  He is finally more relaxed and sleeping.  We have to suction his mouth out now because he can't swallow.

His white blood cell count is 30, basically 0.  For a normal person it should be around 4000.  The sores are expected from the chemo, but they are very painful.  They said to expect the sores for another 9 days or so.  They actually start to heal a couple days before his white cell counts start to come up.

My "Thank You Fors", as Isaac calls his prayers.  I am thankful for the strength and peace that the Lord gave me to get through the night.  Today, I am comforted by the promise the Lord has given to his people.  I am comforted by the hope we have in him.  My hope is also for the day Nathan can swallow again.  My hope is for the day we find out the transplant engrafted.  God is my rock.  

I encourage you to read the book of Psalms.  In so many circumstances David calls out to God, as we call out to him now.  

Today is the day the Lord has made, we are rejoicing.

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