We're still rejoicing!!!
Yesterday we had a celebration at the hospital for Nathans engraftment. He had three consecutive days over 500, so his transplant is considered engrafted! He officially engrafted Monday night. It was a huge answer to prayers, and we are very thankful.
Occupational therapy continues to work with Nathan to try to get him to eat. Earlier in the week, he had started to eat small amounts. Yesterday he regressed and had a half an ounce for the whole day. He wouldn't eat again today, and will be put on IV nutrition tonight.
As far as Veno-Occlusive Disorder, the condition is unrelated to the transplant engraftment. It is caused by the chemotherapy, and is causing Nathan's liver to not function properly. Thank the Lord, his bilirubin level had gone down for two days straight. The swelling in his belly has gone down, and so had his weight. Today the bilirubin and weight is up a little. His oxygen level is low, and they place the oxygen mask by his face for a "blow by" to increase his level. He had a chest X-ray last night, and he has a little fluid in his lungs. They are going to start him on an antibiotic again. He is extremely fussy today, and its hard to tell why. He could be in pain, it could be withdrawals from the pain medicine, or it could be nauseau. He is getting a med to help with the withdrawal from the fentanyl.
We had a good day yesterday, although it was a little unsettling last night. With Nathan's situation, you have to expect things to be very volatile. Things can change very quickly. We will continue to pray for God to answer our prayers and continue to heal our son.
We are thankful for everyone's prayers.
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