So much has happened in the last four days. It's been very busy and extremely exhausting.
Nathan's mucositis got really bad and very painful. He's got sores in his mouth, and down his GI tract. He would cry when we moved him or picked him up. We've adjusted his pain medicine 8 times now. He was throwing up a lot and could not be laid down. We have to suction out his mouth because he could not swallow even his own saliva. I sat in a chair by his bed for almost two days straight. He had 9 IVs going into him at one point. That equals very little sleep. Just when the medicine is adjusted again to make him comfortable, things go down hill again.
On Tuesday, Nathan spiked a fever. They started him on antibiotics. The blood cultures did come back positive for infection. This is very concerning because his white blood cell count and ANC is zero. His body has no ability to fight anything off. By Wednesday the fever was gone, and the culture came back negative. Praise God!
I tried to feed him on Tuesday just to see how he'd respond, and he screamed. Then a huge praise happened last night. He was chewing on his hands, so I figured I'd try again. He ate for the first time in 8 days! God is so good. It was a huge victory, and a very sweet moment. So far he's ate three times and kept it down.
We had another bad pain night last night. I've had less than 3 hours of sleep. We were doing additional doses of the pain meds every hour. He was crying alot. He has almost no voice, so its more of a pathetic shriek than a scream when he's upset. Hopefully in the next five days he will start feeling better. Thank you everyone for your prayers, God is answering them.
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