This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24


Our Journey of Nathan's Transplant

Our Journey of Nathan's Transplant
We're Still Rejoicing!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Plan Delay

Our family needs more prayers, especially Nathan and Isaac. 
Yesterday was a lot longer, and harder at the hospital than I had hoped for. The feeding clinic appointment went good, we made a plan to ween him off the feeding tube. In the bone marrow clinic they had to do a baseline blood test,  the blood draw was nothing short of traumatic. We did not have our regular nurse. The first nurse fished, and kept trying to reposition the needle while Nathan screamed. Two other nurses were holding him down. He looked up up me with the most heart wrenching look. I could not take away his pain. The second nurse stuck him twice, still no blood. They finally called a special vascular team, and it took a while for them to get there.

The hospital called with results. His liver and kidney levels which had been elevated, more than quadrupled from last week. High is not good, it means his kidney is not filtering like it should. We are hoping it is due to a cold / virus he has, he has not been feeling well.  The mucas makes him throw up a lot with his feeds, which could have also caused him to be dehydrated.  Bottom line, his kidney and liver function is too compromised for him to be weened right now. The plan is put on hold. I am disappointed and nervous and worried. Please pray for Nathan.
As for Isaac, it is a continual balance to meet both of their needs.  There are times Isaac's needs have to be put on hold for Nathan.  He seems to freak out when Nathan throws up.  It shows itself as acting out, but I think he's worried.  Plus we are intently focused on Nathan which doesn't help.  On the plus side we got to take Isaac to a special waterpark to celebrate an early birthday.  The doctors cleared Nathan to go into a public pool for the first time.  It was fun.  There are blessings among the trails.  We were thankful for the time to celebrate as a family.  I will post more pictures soon.

Thank you for all of your prayers.  We are praying God will bless all of your families this Christmas season. 

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