Yesterday was very challenging day at the hospital. Nathan’s blood work was not very good. His creatinine and liver enzymes were high. These are indicators of kidney and liver function (high is not good). There is a bump on the side on his neck, possibly an enlarged lymph node. So we have to go back to the hospital in a week to get his levels checked and observation for the lump on his neck.
He also went to therapy for feeding. As most of you know, Nathan still does not eat. He has a g tube that goes straight into his stomach. His nutrition comes solely from Pediasure. Over the past week several times he has showed interest in food, and put several things in his mouth. The therapist is recommending rapid weaning from his feeds (instead of a more gradual process). This will be a process of clinically monitored starvation. Our goal is to get his body to recognize the hunger and feeding cycle. The doctors and therapists are involved to closely monitor him. He
needs to learn that he needs to eat food when he is hungry. His tongue
and muscles in his mouth have strengthened enough that they believe he
is ready. This is tricky due to his compromised kidney function.
Please pray for wisdom for the doctors, and for continued healing for Nathan. Please pray for Nathan to start eating. Pray for protection from some of the long term effects of the chemotherapy he received. Thank for for continuing to pray with us. God has answered many prayers already. He is faithful.
Here are some pics from the hospital visit. They both did so good considering we were there for so long. It was our Doctor's last day, which makes us sad. She loves Nathan very much and we love her.
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