Just to give you a glimpse of our new home for the next few months. When they say isolation, they mean it. My new sterile glass house is about a 15'x15' room with glass sliding doors. We are the only people in the bone marrow unit, so the nurse is assigned to only us. It requires a 2 minute surgical scrub to come into the room. If I haven't left the bone marrow unit itself, it only requires a light scrub in. Anyone else entering the room must also wear a gown. If I go out into the hospital, most times I will change clothing before going back into the room too. Once the treatments start, there will be even more restrictions. Anything that touches the ground is contaminated and must be washed. All that equals LOTS and LOTS of laundry. The staff here has been very kind.
Isaac is doing great, he is having so much fun with my nieces and nephews. It has been a great opportunity for him to grow closer to my family. Shawn is also doing good, I am so proud of him. He has been so supportive, an seeing the bond he already has with Nathan is so sweet.
It has been a slow start. They are still conducting testing. They had a lot of difficulty drawing blood from Nathan which was hard to watch. After the results are back, the search will for the bone marrow donor. The best option would be for Isaac to be the donor if he is a match, the next best option would be to get cord blood. If Isaac is the donor, Nathan will not need the chemotherapy regimen, at least not near the extent if it is another donor. The amount of chemo will depend on the source of the bone marrow. They have warned us it is very intense, and Nathan will get pretty sick. It will be a lot for his little body to go through. They said nothing will probably start until the beginning of July. Please pray for the search for the donor to go well, and that he doesn't need to get a lot of chemotherapy, and for the transplant to be smooth without complications, and for him to regain full function of his immune system. There are so many unknowns at this time, so much that they can't promise, and we are trying to trust in the Lord.
In this situation, when there often times is no one else, it is an incredible picture of how we need to complete trust on God and depend on him. It is evident when everything else is taken away. Its very difficult, but I hope that I will be able to grow in the Lord in an amazing way, and have a much better focus on him. The first couple days have been really tough. Being separated from Shawn and Isaac is excruciating. I am thankful for the strength the Lord is supplying.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
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