This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24


Our Journey of Nathan's Transplant

Our Journey of Nathan's Transplant
We're Still Rejoicing!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Donor Search

Nathan is two weeks old today!

We are still getting adjusted.  Nathan has gained over a pound, he loves to eat! Shawn, me, and Isaac were tested for donor possibilities Thursday of last week. The results will take about a week to get back. We're praying that Isaac is a match, minimizing the chemotherapy needed. If not, the next preferred source is cord blood.  They will search the international cord blood bank for a match. They wont begin the bone marrow transplant until he is 1month old. He just needs to get a little bigger and stronger. 

We had a sweet fathers day.  I got out of the hospital and spent time with my family, Shawn and Isaac.

Prayer requests:  We are already starting to have issues with insurance coverage for certain procedures and medicines.  At one point the insurance company was stating if we had a certain type of procedure done we would have to transfer to another hospital.   Cardinal Glennon staff has been awesome.  They are going to bat for us.  God has gone before us, and was already showing us how he answers prayers.  Please keep this in your prayers that the insurance issues will be resolved.  

The journey continues . . .

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