This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24


Our Journey of Nathan's Transplant

Our Journey of Nathan's Transplant
We're Still Rejoicing!

Monday, March 25, 2013

Season of Patience

Sorry it has been awhile since I posted.  I have been updating facebook more frequently since it is quicker and more convenient.   Here is Nathan's page is you are interested:

This has been a season of patience.  19 months post transplant, and Nathan still is not eating.  I never would have thought.  They didn't exactly prepare us for this.  Then again, every journey is different.  Nathan has had alot of uncommon side effect from the chemotherapy.  Nathan's gallstones are still there, but they are not recommending surgery at this time.  Praise God.  I have been very tired, but the Lord supplies everything I need, and not a moment sooner.  He is still growing me and shaping me.  Through facebook I have been able to connect to alot of other families.  That has been a blessing to not feel so isolated.

Nathan and Isaac are in constant motion.  Isaac just finished two sessions of swimming practice.  Isaac had his first soccer practice last week.  Nathan climbs on everything and is saying so many new words.

This week if you could please pray for Nathan to eat and drink. Also pray for Nathan's gallstones, liver and kidney function to be healed. We have slowly started a blended diet. This means I am replacing one bolus each day of Pediasure with a bolus of real blended food. (A bolus is when we manually feed him with a syringe through his tube. We give him approximately 10 manual boluses each day of food and water. He also gets fed by a pump during nap time and bed time.) I am wanting to replace Pediasure with real healthy food. Up until two weeks ago 100% of his hydration and nutrition was given through his tube. Right now we have cut calories by 15%-20% in the hopes that he will begin to eat. On full feeds, he does not get hungry, and does not want to eat. 

If you have any questions about Nathan's condition, his status, our journey, or our family, please post them and I will answer them in the next post.

Thank you for praying with us.

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