This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24


Our Journey of Nathan's Transplant

Our Journey of Nathan's Transplant
We're Still Rejoicing!

Monday, February 18, 2013

He is the Healer

It has been a week of ups and downs.  We consulted with many doctors, different experts on a natural remedy for the gall stones.  I immediately started giving him apple juice daily in small amounts.  There is a nutural flush that uses apple juice, olive oil and lemon juice.  The hospital was not recommending us do it.  They said they know the risk of surgery, but they do not know the risk of the flush.  It was hard to believe that they felt more comfortable with putting toxins like cytoxin in his body more than apple juice.  We were leaning toward the flush from all of our research and consulting.

I kept praying that the flush would work when I realized, I was putting my faith in the wrong thing.  It is God who would heal our son.  I started praying for God to heal Nathan and for Him to give us wisdom about what we should do.  The day before we were going to do the flush, he possible passed a couple of stones, so we did not do the flush.  

We had the scan.  Nathan still has gallstones. The doctor had said the only option is surgery. We were still praying that the Lord will provide a miracle.   I was so sad and exhausted. I know God has a plan for Nathan, but this has been such a long journey. I am thankful for all of the prayers the Lord has answered so far, He will continue to carry us. We need prayers that God gives us strength.

The next day, we got good news.  God is answering our prayers. . . in His own timing. Nathan does not need surgery at this time. They determined the stones are not in his liver or ducts, so they will let his gall bladder be for now and closely monitor him. We have another scan in a month. Thank you Jesus! He is good.  To my untrained eye, it looks like the first scan had a large stone.  The other scan had stones, but they were smaller.  They were not able to tell me if the stone had broken up.

I lift up my eyes to the mountains where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip he who watches over you will not slumber. Psalm 121:1-3

We are scheduling many upcoming appointments for Nathan. I made changes to his feed schedule to see if he will eat. The therapist says his chewing pattern has changed. He is eating some bites of string cheese and black beans of all things. He still loves pickels (YUCK). We are still required to do full hydration and feeding through his tube.

A sweet moment yesterday, he started laughing at a movie. It is neat to see him respond to new things and become more aware. He was belly laughing at Ice Age.

He continues to carry us, provide for us. I am still trying to depend on the Lord whatever His will is for our family.   I continue to try to put my faith in the Lord everyday, for He is the one who heals, provides and carries us.  Thank you everyone who is walking this journey with us and praying. 

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