This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24


Our Journey of Nathan's Transplant

Our Journey of Nathan's Transplant
We're Still Rejoicing!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Still Waiting

I have not had access to the computer much of the last week because I got sick too.  Isaac was still sick, but I did not come home in the case that I would recover quickly.  I did not want to catch what Isaac had.  I spent four days over at my grandmas house, which was neat.  That is something I hadn't done in years.

I have not been to the hospital in 6 days.  We were scrambling trying to find people that were healthy and available to go up and sit with Nathan.  Thank you Jane and Grandma Linnie!  It was a blessing to us, and Nathan.  Yesterday for the first time in over a week Shawn was able to go up and be with Nathan.  There was a possibility that Nathan was going to have a double surgery this coming week.  He will not have a surgery at this time, it has been postponed to a later date.

The past few weeks have been filled with many disappointments and trials.  It has been hard.  Honestly at the moment I'm angry with God.  I know that he supplies the strength we need for each moment, but it doesn't mean that I like that this has been so hard. He says come to me those who are weary and I will give you rest.  I know his word is true, but I am still waiting for rest.  The past couple of days I feel like I am alone, as far as human beings on this plant.  There is no one to help ease my burden, and so many are giving me more burdens to bear.  My heart has been heavy, and I have been weary.  I am pressing into God as angry as I am with him.  He will be faithful and fulfill his promises . . . 

I am thankful that we have a God who will never let us down, because so many times the people we are closest to will.  Don't put your faith, or hope, in people.  Put your faith in our Lord Jesus, who loves us unconditionally.  Right now even some of my closest relationships hurt.  God wants me to completely depend on him.  Just like so many other times, he takes everything away from me.  Its a painful process that I hope I will take with me when this trial is over.

Rejoice . . . God is still answering prayers.  My boss is willing to work with me so that i will be able to work remotely for the next 6 months.  It is a huge answer to prayer.  Hopefully Nathan will be coming home this coming week.  Now all we are waiting for is for all of us to be healthy.  Thank you everyone for your continued prayers.

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