We were able to leave the ICU and return to the bone marrow unit on Thursday afternoon. It was good to be back "home". The ICU was not a fun place. The scrub in procedures were not as strict as they are in the stem cell unit. There are some pretty sick kiddos in the ICU and it presented a higher risk of exposure for Nathan to be there. A repeat echo cardiogram was done on Friday and today, both showed the effusion (fluid around the heart) is improved. The cardiomyopathy (thickening of the heart) is still the same, but has not gotten any worse.
As of Friday, Nathan was still eating minimal amounts so the doctors decided to put in a feeding tube. If the body goes for long periods of time without processing food, the body "forgets" how to digest food. The lining of the intestines can atrophy, and it is a very slow process to get the digestive system to function again. They started him out at 5mL (1/6 of an ounce) an hour of breast milk. He has been throwing up, but only 2-3 times a day. Today they are increasing the rate to 7.6 mL an hour. He also ate an ounce for the occupational therapist!
We are hoping we are finally on a slow and steady path of improvement. The doctors believe his heart will heal itself, that it will just take time. This is good news.
Thank you everyone for your prayers and encouragement. We are thankful God did not intend to go through this alone, but gave us the church, his body to walk with us.
As iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another.
Proverbs 27:17
This is an incredible testimony to how wonderful God is to use us to glorify him and show himself through each other. We are so thankful for each and every one of you. Thank you for standing with us in prayer, God is faithful! Let your light shine!
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