Still Catching up June - July 2012
We finally were getting into a routine at home. It was extremely overwhelming. We wouldn't get done with all of Nathan's medical routines until 10:00 or 10:30 at night. I was back to work, and missed my kids so much. We starting to have a bag packed to go to the hospital at all times.
When he would spike a fever we would have to rush to the hospital. It meant he had another infection in his blood. It was very scary. His heart rate would be over 200. He needed fluids and the and the antibiotic as soon as possible. We would hope that it was an infection that could be treated by the antibiotic, and that it wasn't resistant. It takes two days for the cultures to come back with the exact infection type. When the antibiotics started working he would actually get sicker as the bacterias was broken down in his body. We would be in the hospital anywhere from 4 to 14 days with each admission.
God answered another prayer, Shawn and I both still have our jobs. My work had been amazing, and worked with me to that point. Now they wanted me back and I was out of leave. I couldn't stay with Nathan in the hospital anymore. It was scary being faced with the possibility of losing my job. My heart was broken, I was scared. I felt like the worst mother, I felt so guilty being at work. I am the one that has invested so much time in overseeing his care, I knew all of the details, all of the history. Now Shawn had to stay in the hospital with him. I cried out to God, I wanted to do His will. I prayed a lot to see if I should stay home, but I carry our insurance. We did not feel like it was God's will for me to stay home at this time.
It was getting harder and harder for Isaac with each hospital stay. He would ask me when we were going to be a family again. My heart broke for him. This had been emotionally harder for him than even for Nathan. There were so many to attend to Nathan's needs. I felt like Isaac was left out, he didn't understand.
Isaac had also started preschool for the first time. It was tramatic to say the least. I admit I cried the first day. He climbed up me and told me how it made him sad to be there. It got better, but he would cry starting the night before, the morning of . . . and then would be fine right after I left.
We had a nanny, but she had 2 mission trips, so my Mom and Kayla was filling in the five weeks she was gone. I loved having my family with us.
After Nathan got his g tube, he pretty much stopped eating. It was so hard to get on a routine, we were feeding him basically all day. The stress of making sure he got the required calories and hydration was beginning to drive me crazy. I was worried about his kidneys. Everyday we were under so much pressure, I was just exhausted. On the plus side, Nathan had started to finally gain weight.
To be continued. . .