This is the day the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24


Our Journey of Nathan's Transplant

Our Journey of Nathan's Transplant
We're Still Rejoicing!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Great is Thy Faithfulness: Answered Prayers

How can I do anything but rejoice.  My heart is thankful.  So many have stood with us in prayer for Nathan, more people than I will ever know.  Our God is faithful, and he has answered so many prayers.  Nathan's heart rate and respirations have gone back almost to normal.  

It has been a major battle getting him to eat again.  The mucositis , chemo and meds have given him a complete oral aversion. The results of the scope showed no abnormalities in his throat, stomach or small intestine.  Praise God the biopsy results were also negative. Since all the tests came back normal, it really is all in his head that he doesn't want anything in his mouth.  Eating is a painfully slow process requiring a lot of patience (again).  I been doing positive touch to his face, getting him to suck on a pacifier and consistent feedings.  He was off the IV pole for 4 hours a day.  He eats better when the TPN is off, so starting yesterday it got increased to 6 hours a day.

He is such a different baby now that the feeding tube is out.  He smiles so much, and most of the time is very happy.  He is throwing up a lot less.  We got to play on a special mat on the floor yesterday for the first time.  There are so many things that I had taken for granted with Isaac.  Being able to walk around the room with my baby, eating, sucking, and just playing on the floor are huge victories for us.  This is a testimony to how faith god is, and how our prayers were answered.

For great is his love toward us, and the faithfulness of the LORD endures forever. Praise the LORD.

Psalm 117:2

Because of the LORD’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. 
They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 

Lamentations 3:22-23

The doctors are saying we may be able to go home in a month!  

Every day is not easy, but I keep telling myself. . . the joy of the Lord is not conditional on our circumstances.  God's goodness does not change due to our circumstances.  Our father does not change, his faithfulness, his never ending grace, and unconditional love do not change.

I mess up a lot.  Despite my sinfulness, he can still use me for his purpose.  I am humbled.  He uses others around me to minister to me, even people that don't have the same faith.  He knows our hearts, our needs, our hurts and our joys.  Our God is good.  This is the day the Lord has made, let everything in me rejoice and praise his name.  

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